We’ve Got The Answers For You..!

What types of wallpaers do you offer?

How do I calculate how much wallpaper I need for my room?

Can I install wallpaper myself or should I hire a professional?

Do you provide samples of wallpaper or fabric before purchase?

What should I do if my wallpaper bubbles or wrinkles during installation?

Do you offer custom wallpaper designs or prints?

What types of curtains do you sell?

How do I choose the right size curtains for my windows?

How can I prevent my curtains from fading in the sun?

Are your wall panels easy to install?

Can I use your wall panels in wet seepage areas?

What is the best way to maintain and clean my wall panels?

What are the different types of window blinds available?

How do I measure my windows for window blinds?

What are the benefits of wooden flooring?

How should I clean and maintain my wooden floors?

Do you offer installation for wooden flooring?

Can I order samples of the carpets or flooring before puchasing?

What are the benefits of choosing vinyl flooring over hardwood?

What is the warranty on your wooden flooring products?

Are your carpets suitable for high-traffic areas?

How do I clean and care for my carpet?

Can I order custom sized carpets or rugs?

Are your products eco-friendly or sustainable?

What is your return policy for custom or made-to-order products?

Can I get my curtains or blinds professionally cleaned?

Can I install wall panels over existing wallpaper or paint?

Do you offer professional installation for curtains, blinds and flooring?